Friday, May 31, 2019
Differences Between Bureaucrats And Aristocrats In Government :: essays research papers
Bureaucrats and aristocrats, the former evident in the establishment in the Tang dynasty (617-907) and the ladder pronoun in the organization of Heian Japan. Both are dissimilar in many different aspects, such as within government, government structure, law, economy, and society.A bureaucrat can be defined by the following an appointed government official with certain duties and responsibilities defined by disposition in the bureaucracy. A bureaucrat is more dependent on the government than an aristocrat because official ability comes from official appointment through the bureaucracy (Class Lecture, Oct. 16, 97). Bureaucracy first replaced aristocracy in the Tang dynasty, under the rule of Empress Wu (625?-706?, r.690-706) bureaucracy was expanded by furthering enlargement policies and supporting the examination system. Positions in government were filled through the examination system, and people who passed were called the literati. When champion held this title of literati, you were considered intelligent and were considered to have high status (TA session, Oct. 28, 97). "They were a group of smart guys with a good education." (Steve, TA session, Oct. 28, 97). This of course deprived the hereditary aristocracy of power they had enjoyed during the period of division, when appointments had been made by recommendation, and opened government service to a somewhat wider class of people... (Schirokauer, p.103). For the first time, men who entered office through examination could attain the highest office, even that of Chief Minister. Examination graduates earned (earn universe the operative word) prestige, and even though officials still entered government by other means such as family connections, at the same time the literati and thus the bureaucrats were gaining authority, jurisdiction, and power. And thus, one could see this shifting of supremacy from the aristocracy to the bureaucracy.Government in the Tang dynasty was regulated by the Tang ju ral codes, a system of laws written by legalists which consisted of a system of rewards and severe punishments (TA session, Oct. 28, 97). These legal codes were administrative reporting what the state could do and what the subjects could not do. This is an important point in that, this showed the subjects possessed little power, the Tang legal codes are the opposite of any laws of present day, these legal codes protected the government and not the people. Government needed the subjects only to provide for taxes (revenue), labour (grain) and military (soldiers) reasons. A deathlike subject was not as useful as a living subject.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Test :: Original Writing Personal Narrative
Eyelids drooping, eyes watering from the constant yawns, the birds are not even awake singing their happy songs, but here I am up at four thirty in the morning cracking open my books to study. Why am I doing this? I just went to bed less(prenominal) than seven hours ago after a two hour study session. The reason I put myself through this ordeal is to shake promoted. In the tune Force we take campaign to progress in our careers and get shuffling the next rank or stripe. This time Im studying to make Master Sergeant, E-7. I usually start out 6 months before the test, this time its 8. Last year I missed being promoted by 4 points. I refuse to let that happen again. That is why Im studying like my life depended on it. My examination date is unaccompanied a couple of days away and I start to panic. Did I cover all the material? What if I freeze up in the testing room? What if Im late and they dont let me test? I was starting to lose my mind. I had studied so oftentimes that the thi ngs I fancy I knew started to confuse me. Facts started running together like a race in my mind, useless dates in Air Force taradiddle that meant absolutely nothing to me at this point in my exhaustion.Why dont you take a break, honey my husband said to me as he found me staring into the computer screen. Its still early come back to bed. I stared at him like he was the devil. Thanks for reminding me, I thought to myself. Only a couple more hours and Id have to get Lexus out of bed, fix lunches for the day, and get myself together. Not yet, I told him. average let me go over this last section and then Ill be done. Yeah right, he said as he left the room.Sleep was something I was not interested in these days. As if I did not have enough to worry about. After I got this test behind me I would be fine. I could get back to being normal and doing some of the things that I had not been able to do. I wanted to get back outside to play with my daughter the playground was calling my name. I wanted to go to bed at a decent hour.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Salmonella Typhi (typhoid Fever) :: essays research papers
Salmonella Typhi is a very contagious infection in the intestines that affects the whole body. It is called by a bacteria called Salmonella Typhi that is found in the stools of an infected person. Most people in the coupled States get typhoid as a result of visiting other country.Typhoid is spread when a person eats food or water contaminated by human waste (stool or urine) containing Salmonella Typhi bacteria.Typhoid pyrexia mostly preys upon people from the United States who visit other countries, because in a foreign country food and drink may have been handled by a person who is shedding Salmonella Typhi or if the bacteria gets into the water you use for washing or drinking.Salmomella Typhi hides in beverages, most commonly milk or water. It also hides in food that is usually a foreign delicacy of some sort that has been contaminated by Salmonella Typhi in some way.Typhoid fever usually causes postgraduate fever, head ache, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, pare down rash, we akness, or inability to think clearly. The symptoms take about two weeks to go away if they dont lead to death.This bacterial pathogen is considered extremely dangerous and is probobly armed. Salmonella Typhi has been on the loose for galore(postnominal) years and was cuased a lot of havoc and done a lot of damage over the years. Typhoid fever affects 17 million people worldwide every year, with approximately 600,000 deaths.To protect yourself from typhoid fever, aviod risky food and drinks and get vaccinated aginst typhoid fever, and wash your hands guardedly a lot to exculpate sure you have not touched something infected with Salmonella Typhi.Salmonella Typhi (typhoid Fever) essays research papers Salmonella Typhi is a very contagious infection in the intestines that affects the whole body. It is called by a bacteria called Salmonella Typhi that is found in the stools of an infected person. Most people in the United States get typhoid as a result of visiting another countr y.Typhoid is spread when a person eats food or water contaminated by human waste (stool or urine) containing Salmonella Typhi bacteria.Typhoid fever mostly preys upon people from the United States who visit other countries, because in a foreign country food and drink may have been handled by a person who is shedding Salmonella Typhi or if the bacteria gets into the water you use for washing or drinking.Salmomella Typhi hides in beverages, most commonly milk or water. It also hides in food that is usually a foreign delicacy of some sort that has been contaminated by Salmonella Typhi in some way.Typhoid fever usually causes high fever, head ache, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rash, weakness, or inability to think clearly. The symptoms take about two weeks to go away if they dont lead to death.This bacterial pathogen is considered extremely dangerous and is probobly armed. Salmonella Typhi has been on the loose for many years and was cuased a lot of havoc and done a lot of dama ge over the years. Typhoid fever affects 17 million people worldwide every year, with approximately 600,000 deaths.To protect yourself from typhoid fever, aviod risky food and drinks and get vaccinated aginst typhoid fever, and wash your hands carefully a lot to make sure you have not touched something infected with Salmonella Typhi.
Trust Preferred Securities :: Stocks Economics TPS Essays
Trust Preferred Securities Trust Preferred Securities are cumulative preferred stock issued by a business trust that is wholly owned by a bank holding company (BHC) to increase the companys capital. When origin all(prenominal)y created in 1993, this protection could be classified as debt or equity, as needed, by the issuing company. However, in 2003, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement No. 150 to standardize classification of Trust Preferred Securities (TPS). A Trust Subsidiary would issue mandatorily redeemable, non-voting preferred stock to 3rd party investors. The Trust subsidiary would and so loan the proceeds from the sale of the stock to the Parent BHC with the debt having the same terms as the TPS. Finally, when the Parent BHC made interest payments on the debt to the Trust Subsidiary, the latter use the interest income to make the dividend payments on the securities.For tax purposes, the Parent BHC would classify the proceeds from the issuance of the stock as debt. Remember that the proceeds of the stock issuance had been passed on to the Parent BHC as a loan. This allowed the Parent BHC to take an interest expense tax deduction on the interest paid to the trust. The trust, however, would not get taxed on the interest income it received from the parent company because the trust had been established as a pass-through entity. That means the interest income passed through the trust untaxed and, instead, would get taxed at the security holders level.At the same time, for financial reporting purposes, the Parent BHC would classify the same proceeds from the sale of the TPS as capital. The problem with treating the securities as capital in financial reports was that, because the securities were mandatorily redeemable, the company had an unconditional obligation to, at some point, pay out the principal and quarterly dividends at a specified rate. Thus, classifying what met all the characteristics of debt as capital made the company s financial statements extremely misleading.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Egyptian Life :: essays research papers
Egypts pyramids are the oldest stone buildings in the world. They were make well-nigh five thou good sense years ago. More than 80 pyramids still stand today. Most have secret passageways, hidden rooms, ramps, bridges, shaft, concealed entrances and concealed doorways. The pyramids werent built for exploring, but for a very serious purpose. The Egyptians believed very strongly in after-life. They wanted to preserve their bodies to continue living in the after-world, so they had pyramids built to nourish the tombs. Along with the tomb would be all the goods needed to survive in the after-life. The Egpytians also thought that in order to pass into the everlasting paradise, you had to go done an under-world, which consisted of demons and monsters. Well, for safe passage through this, you needed a book of spells therefore a copy of The Book of the Dead would be placed in apiece tomb as well.The tombs werent always as nice as the pyramids. The first form of burial was in shallow pits in the desert. in that respect, the hot sand preserved them. Around 3000 bc mastabas, large, flat-topped tombs, were first introduced by the high officials. It wasnt until 2700 bc that the first pyramid would be built. That is known as the footfall Pyramid. This had two purposes a royal tomb and a temple for worshipping the spirit of the dead king. Around 1600 bc, robbers had raided the tombs of all the valuables. It wasnt until after this time that kings thought their bodies would be safer in tombs cut from solid rock. Ancient Egpyt seemed like the perfect place for building pyramids. It was a long, narrow, fertile strip of land. It had natural barriers to protect the land from invaders. There were deserts to the east and west, delta marshes to the north and rapids on the Nile to the south. These all allowed workers to work in peace and security. But building them from this position was difficult. A great supply of earthy materials were needed. There were plenty of limestone, s andstone and granite but it was all in quarries far away.
Egyptian Life :: essays research papers
Egypts pyramids are the oldest stone buildings in the world. They were built nearly five thousand years ago. More than 80 pyramids still viewpoint today. Most have secret passageways, hidden rooms, ramps, bridges, shaft, concealed entrances and concealed doorways. The pyramids werent built for exploring, but for a very serious purpose. The Egyptians believed very strongly in after-life. They wanted to preserve their bodies to continue living in the after-world, so they had pyramids built to protect the tombs. Along with the tomb would be all the goods needed to survive in the after-life. The Egpytians also thought that in order to pass into the everlasting paradise, you had to go through an under-world, which consisted of demons and monsters. Well, for safe passage through this, you needed a book of spells then a copy of The Book of the Dead would be infinited in each tomb as well.The tombs werent always as nice as the pyramids. The first form of burial was in shallow pits in the desert. There, the hot sand preserved them. Around 3000 bc mastabas, large, flat-topped tombs, were first introduced by the naughty officials. It wasnt until 2700 bc that the first pyramid would be built. That is known as the Step Pyramid. This had two purposes a royal tomb and a temple for worshipping the sprightliness of the dead king. Around 1600 bc, robbers had raided the tombs of all the valuables. It wasnt until after this time that kings thought their bodies would be safer in tombs cut from solid rock. Ancient Egpyt seemed like the perfect place for building pyramids. It was a long, narrow, fertile strip of land. It had natural barriers to protect the land from invaders. There were deserts to the east and west, delta marshes to the north and rapids on the Nile to the south. These all allowed workers to work in peace and security. But building them from this position was difficult. A great supply of raw materials were needed. There were plenty of limestone, sandstone and gr anite but it was all in quarries far away.
Monday, May 27, 2019
The Concept of Kairos
In the midst of the ordinary season (kronos), tremendous measure (kairos) happens. A cultural record morphed by Christianity Introduction In a scene from Dead Poets Society, Professor John Keating deals his boarding school English class. They sheepishly stand in front of the trophy case pee squ exclusively inquisitively into the photographs of alumna. The professor speaks with a deliberate t mavin about the boys in the faded black and ashen photographs Theyre non that different from you, atomic number 18 they? Same haircuts. Full of horm onenesss, that homogeneous you.Invincible, just like you feel. The world is their oyster. They believe theyre destined for outstanding things, just like many of you their eyes atomic number 18 full of hope, just like you. Did they wait until it was too late to hold in from their make outs thus far one iota of what they were cap equal to(p)? Be shell, you name gentlemen, these boys be now fertilizing daffodils. further if you disc over genuinely close, you dejection hear them whisper their legacy to you. Go on, lean in. Listen, you hear it? Carpe Hear it? Carpe Carpe diem Seize the daylightlight boys. Make your lives extraordinary.Why does the title to live extraordinary lives ring so loudly for virtuall(a)y they are compelled to follow it with a zealous whirlion? What causes the same echo for other(a)s to be mother merely a drone to ignore amidst all the other noises of animation? No matter where one falls on this continuum the call dust the same for each valet de chambre being. Carpe diem Literally, pluck the day Choose to live in such a way that reflects the extraordinariness of your disembodied spirit. Position yourself to get caught up in the striking drama. You draw been destined to make an impact. Life condemnationThe span of beat that measures a persons lifetime is referred to as a lifetime. Each person has a express mail span of time to live. Yet each person is authorisen the for tune to leave a legacy which is about contri saveion, conditional relation, and things that really matter. Could there be deuce spans of time, whether recognized or not, which actually intersect? Kronos (kronos) is the ancient Greek word which refers to sequential or linear time. In Greek mythology, the god Chronos, pictured as elderly, gray-haired and bearded, was the personification of time.Kronos is symbolisationized by the newborn baby that ushers in the New Year and ends the year as a bent-over old man Father Time. We bonk kronos time as chronology tick-tock time. It is measured, or chronicled, by clocks, hours, minutes and seconds. It is the time in which we make appointments and face deadlines. It tends to be more(prenominal) of a nemesis or businessmaster than a friend. We schedule our lives by it. Most bulk speak of never having enough of it as we race around the clock to make sure we maximize the time. roughly even refer to much of life as putting in the time. Jona than Larsens Broadway Musical Rent questions the measure of time, and parenthetically, the quality of kronos time with the lyrics of Seasons of Love cardinal Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred transactions How Do You Measure Measure A Year? In Daylights In Sunsets In Midnights In Cups Of Coffee In Inches In Miles In Laughter In Strife In Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Minutes How Do You Measure a Year In The Life? How About Love? Larsens lyrics, while suggesting the continuum of life, study angst for something more than tick-tock time.In the journey of kronos time is there, could there be something more significant, something of value, something legacy-driven that gives lasting impact to kronos time? The ancient Greeks would answer in the affirmative. Opportune Time Kairos (kairos), even though the Greek meanings are difficult and culturally dependent, refers to the right time, opportune time or seasonable time. It cannot be measured. It is the perfect time, the qualitative time, the perfect piece, the now. Kairos brings transcending value to kronos time.Eric Charles White, in Kaironomia On the W visitation-to-Invent, defines kairos with this imagery 2 Archery an opening, or opportunity or, more precisely, a long tunnel-like aperture through which the archers arrow has to pass. Successful passage of a kairos requires, therefore, that the archers arrow be fired not solo(prenominal) accurately but with enough index for it to penetrate. Weaving the critical time when the weaver must draw the yarn through a gap that momently opens in the warp of the cloth being woven. Kairos is the right moment of opportunity which requires proactivity to achieve success.It is significant and decisive. These moments transcend kronos, stirring emotions and realities to cause decisive action. It is not an to a lower placestatement to word that kairos moments bowdlerize destiny. To miscalculate kronos is in well-to-do. To miscalculate kairos is lamentable. The Background of Kairos Kairos was known in Greek mythology as the youngest child of the god Zeus. Quite close to the entrance to the stadium at Olympia are two altars one they call the altar of Hermes of the Games, the other the altar of Kairos (Opportunity).Pausanias, Guide to Greece 5. 14. 9 His bronze statute was known as the most beautiful of statutes. nitty-gritty witnesses describe the statute as youthful, beautiful to look upon as he waved his downy beard and left his hair unconfined for the south wind to throw off wheresoever it would and he had a blooming complexion, showing by its brilliancy the bloom of his bodyhe stood poised on the tips of his toes on a sphere, and his feet were winged. The statue was so magnetic people stood speechless at the sight. The artist sought to c smarture the really essence of kairosThe wings on his feet, he told us, suggested his swiftness, and that, borne by the seasons, he goes trilled on through all eternity and as to his youthful beauty, that beauty is always opportune and that Kairos (Opportunity) is the only artificer of beauty, whereas that of which the beauty has withered has no butt in down in the nature of Kairos (Opportunity) he also explained that the lock of hair on his forehead indicated that while he is easy to catch as he approaches, yet, when he has passed by, the moment of action has likewise expired, and that, if opportunity (kairos) is neglected, it cannot be recovered. Callistratus, Descriptions 6The Ancient Greeks, the seedbed of existential come backers, sought to understand kairos at multiple levels. They applied kairos thinking in arenas of legal, political, and epideitic (the artfully skilled and heightened rhetorical expression of praise). In legal rhetoric, kairos was related to justice beyond the written law, that is, law applied at proper(postnominal) times and caboodle unforeseen by legislators. Political rhetoric concerns the elements of usefulness, suitabil ity, and honor. Kairos was also central to the Sophists, who saw kairos as the ability to understand the subtleties of a rhetorical situation.Kairos is seen as the orators ability to adapt to and take advantage of the contingent circumstances. One element of speech rhetoric is The Audience, the psychological and emotional makeup of the hearers. The other is Decorum, the principle of apt speech. Aristotle identifies kairos as intrinsically 3 related to the time and space when proof must be communicateed to the hearers. thitherfore, speakers are to be aware of their words AND be able to choose opportune moments to re-awaken the hearers. That moment, recognized, chosen and acted upon, is kairotic or interchangeably, kairos.Kairos was not only dependent upon the appropriate timing and purpose, but also the appropriate nature of the situation, the approach, and the implications of what is being presented. These concepts are explained in detail in the book Rhetoric and Kairos Essays in H istory, Theory and Praxis, Phillip Sipiora and James S. Baumlin. Modern day students of rhetoric are baffled by the word. S. H. murder who translated much of Aristotle noted that kairos is a Greek word with no single precise equivalent in any other language. (Encyclopedia of Rhetoric, 118).They believe that grasping the nub of kairos IS their area of study because the spirit of kairos is essential to the practice of rhetoric. Even though kairos is a bit illusive, it is at the same time, alluring. The Greeks knew kairos intersected kronos time. Yet, what was the impact of kairos? For whom was kairos available? Did kairos opportunities reside for only a few? In Panathenaicus, Isocrates writes that educated people are those who manage fountainhead the circumstances which they encounter day by day, and who possess a archetype which is accurate in meeting occasions as they arise and rarely misses the expedient course of action. It was into this setting where the Apostle Paul engaged in kairotic interchanges in capital of Greece on the Areopagus (also known as Mars Hill). Can you picture a well-educated man, known and respected for his zealousness in quest to destroy the followers of a new sect out of Jerusalem called The Way (Christ-followers), and who had the ability to stand toe-to-toe with philosophers, now directing his tenacity toward sharing the real meaning of opportunity? Heres one example Paul also had a debate with some of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers.When he told them about saviour and his resurrection, they said, This babbler has picked up some strange ideas. Others said, Hes pushing some foreign religion. Then they took him to the Council of Philosophers. Come and tell us more about this new religion, they said. You are saying some rather startling things, and we want to know what its all about. (It should be explained that all the Athenians as well as the foreigners in Athens seemed to spend all their time discussing the latest idea s. Acts 1718-21 Just a few short decades out front this interchange, the presage intersected the worlds kronos time with His ingenuousness of kairos. A unique kairos has dawned. It came in the flesh, Jesus, the Christ. Time even kairos itself was ready to be redeemed. The Redefining of Kairos The New Testament writers reflect the evolution of the word by referring to kairos time as the present moment, the defining moment, and even the divinity fudge-ordained moments. Kairos is the time-frame for divine interaction and occurrences. 4 Mark 114-15 the time (is fulfilled)Kairos is a time which requires a change or reorienting. Luke 1254-56 the present time Kairos is extraordinary time, requiring interpretation. The capacity to read the signs of the timesthe kairosand respond is an issue of cartel. Luke 1944 the time (of your visitation from god) Kairos is a dangerous time. It is critical to recognize it, for if you allow it to pass the loss will be immeasurable. There is a burde n or responsibility tied up in the recognition of the kairos. Romans 1311-13 the time . . . the moment Kairos time is here.It calls for action and transformationa change of life. 2 Corinthians 61-2 the acceptable time Kairos is not just crisis but opportunity and favor. theology assists us in discerning the kairosa moment of grace. Scripture writers accepted and leaned into the multiple dimensions of kairos The divine reality of matinee idol and His kingdom that is available in each moment. Signifies a decisive moment of history when an old world would die and a new age would be born Moments which transcend time (kronos), stirring emotions and realities to cause decisive action.These are moments that alter destiny taking hold upon the crucial moment to perform accurately and skillfully in order to achieve a goal. A divine opportunity season or moment that one dare not miss. The apostle Paul knew the importance of reorienting the whole concept of kairos to the perspective of the Kingdom of God. (Kairos is use 85 times in the New Testament and 30 of these are by Paul. ) The Greek and Roman gods and goddesses were capricious and dispensed good or ill arbitrarily. The pagan deities were constantly at odds. Who would bring clarity?As clearly as John Keating passionately urged, Carpe diem, Paul traveled throughout the Asia Minor teaching, and more importantly, liveliness out the message exagorazesqai ton kairon literally, buy up the opportunity. The word buy up has its roots in the image of going to the marketplace and seeking to buy back, to take it off the market to redeem. The admonition seems to be clear people who live 5 in kronos time need to intersect with the Divine in order to grasp the full power of kairos. Go and buy back opportunities Redeem them for goodE real person needs to know the real kairos God-appointed time. Paul used the exact same Greek words as he wrote to two different churches Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making th e most of the opportunity. Colossian 45 NAS Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 515-16 NAS Paul wanted people to understand that kairos did not come in the form of a peering at a statute but in allow the eternal kairos, Christ, form more of your mind and subsequently your behavior. St.Ignatius Loyola wrote, There are very few people who realize what God would make of them if they abandoned themselves into His workforce and let themselves be formed by His grace. Our world needs to know the depth of the Heavenly Fathers love and the dream He has for every human being to be eternally changed by His power and grace. In an effort to capture kairos for church-goers in the centuries that followed Paul, the Eastern Orthodox Church Liturgy begins with this exclamation, Kairos tou poiesai to Kurio (It is time kairos for the Lord to act), indicating that the time of the Liturgy is an intersectio n with Eternity.It is difficult to measure kairos time. It flows allowing us to be in the moment. Erwin McManus, while never using the term kairos, speaks of a flow of time movements which move in a timely manner and waits for no one. Describing or capturing a kairos moment is fluid and beyond expression. McManus suggests I think we need to spend a day with Monet. He had a clear sense of what was hidden in a moment. Most of us think of a movement as something thats stationary, stagnant, and unchanging. We want to capture the moment and stand in the moment.If theres a moment you want to preserve or remember you must take a snapshot. The principal of Monet is that he saw the moment for what it really was. It was as if he read the dictionary and realized that the essence of the words moment and motion are the same. Monet was a master of light and movement. His paintings were blurred and obscure and yet beautiful and full of insight. If we could someone see life through his eyes, we wo uld begin to see life as it really is. (An Unstoppable Force) Grasping the Depth of KairosOne doesnt catch up with kairos time rather one participates in it. Kairos time can occur during activity or stillness. It simply intersects with kronos time. Newbery-Award winning author Madeleine LEngle, best known for her childrens books, writes of kronos and kairos. She suggest that kairos can sometimes enter, penetrate, and break through kronos the child at play, the painter at an easel, the 6 saint at prayer, friends around the dinner table, the mother reaching out for the newborn are in what she calls kairos.Taking kairos a step further Jean Shinoda Bolen suggests, When we participate in time and therefore lose our sense of time travel we are in kairos here we are totally absorbed in the present moment, which may actually stretch out over hours. (Close to the Bone Life Threatening sickness and the Search for Meaning, p 86) T. S. Eliot (Four Quartets) ruminates in The Dry Salvages Numb er 3 For most of us, there is only the unattended Moment, the moment in and out of time, The distraction fit, disjointed in a shaft of sunlight,The wild thyme unseen, or the winter lightning Or the waterfall, or music heard so deeply That it is not heard at all, but you are the music While the music lasts. Could it be that one could get so caught up in kairos that kronos is truly transcended? At those moments one is at soul-level. The Kairos Call The notion of kairos is characterized by what Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, who survived years of imprisonment and exile in the Gulag Archipelago, calls knots, those decisive historic moments in which everything is rolled up and tied in a knot.In The Interpretation of History, Lutheran Theologian Paul Tillich made prominent use of the term, referring to kairos as those moments of crisis in history which create an opportunity for, and even demand, an existential decision. William Wilberforce sorry the way for the abolition of slavery in England. George Washington accepted many kairos opportunities as general and president of a fledgling nation. Abraham Lincoln, the once uneducated country-boy, delivered one of the shortest, yet memorable addresses in American History on the Gettysburg Battlefield. As a determined petabiter of a war-torn country he cerebrate with this kairos challengeIt is rather for us to be here dedicated to the slap-up task remaining before us that from these honored dead we take increase devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not nourish died in vain that this nation, under God, shall hold up a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. 7 Winston Churchill, on June 18, 1940, gave a fiery-impassioned speech to the House of parking lot that historians believe turned the tide of the war by winning a victory for human freedom.Seemingly defeated on every front, Churchill knew that he was the one to make the clarion call Hitler knows that he will wear to break us in this Island or lose the war. If we can stand up to him, all europium may be free and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science.Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, This was their finest hour. (www. winstonchurchill. org) The impeccable reality of kairos moments is that they are special, cosmic, and whether recognized or not, even divine. The hour is the God-given moment of destiny not to be shrunk from but seized with decisiveness, the floodtide of opportunity an d demand in which the unseen wet of the future surge down to the present. (Os Guinness, Character Counts) Nothing is more critical than to recognize and respond to such a moment. Kairos Possibilities and Potential It is the very nature of God to give every human being multiple opportunities to seize high impact moments. These kairos moments are rich with potential and pregnant with possibilities. Whatever we may become, wherever we go, whatever we do, we should always be aware of what once was, what might have been, and what could well be again. (Os Guinness, God in the Dark The Assurance of Faith beyond a Shadow of Doubt)Yet, with every opportunity comes a price tag. One cannot seize the day (or time) without choosing to not seize something else, which will undoubtedly have consequences. Jesus would speak frequently of counting the costs. People who choose to seize the moments are less concerned about the sacrifices they are making than they are about the significance of their de cision. The encouragement is to make decisions wisely. Think of the Old Testament story of Esther. Would she be open to seizing the day? Would she let her divine moment pass her by?She was a lone Jew in a Gentile kings harem at the precipice of slanging the potential genocide of her race when she was given this challenge by fellow-countryman Mordecai If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Whats more, who can say but that you have been elevated to the palace for just such a time as this? (Esther 414) She stood face-to-face with her God-given moment of destiny a kairos moment. James Emery White confidently exclaims, Kairos moments are never pragmatic moves to ensure a blessed life during our short tenure on earth.They are moments to be seized for the sake of eternity and the Lord of eternity. (Life-Defining Moments Daily Choices with the Power to Transform Your Life, p 97) 8 In J. R. R. T olkiens The Lord of the Rings (The Fellowship of the Ring), an elderly Bilbo Baggins offers to carry The Ring of Power into the Dark Lord Saurons domain. His intention is to return it to the Land of Mordor, into the fires of Mount Doom from which it was forged. Yet he knew the temptation of the ring. So he said to himself, Bilbo the silly hobbit started this affair, and Bilbo had better finish it, or himself. His old friend Gandalf the wizard releases him from the task, If you had really started this affair you might be expected to finish it. But you know well enough that starting is too great a claim for any, and that only a small part is played in great deeds by any hero. The great starter of events, of course, is God Himself. And while the great deeds are not done by a few, but by many, the heroes are bound by their choice to take a stand. Through this decision they assume a role in the great contest between good and evil between the movement of God and rebellion of the Evil One .Each succeeding generation carries on playing its part in the great cosmic battle that will eventually be brought to a finish at the end of history. The question is whether we will choose to walk in the footsteps of the heroes who went before us. Its a daunting choice indeed. (James Emery White, Life-Defining Moments Daily Choices with the Power to Transform Your Life, p 85) Tolkien provides some clarity about kairos decisions throughout his epic. The hobbits, the elves, Gandalf, the Fellowship are all part of a metanarrative a story that provides framework upon which others experiences can be built.Each of us is afforded moments to take a stand, regardless of appearance (Frodo, the Hobbit) to repose (Aragon, the king in waiting). Kairos moments can catapult a person into the very essence of life, which often comes with great consequences. Yet, it is there, in kairos moments, where we live the great drama of life. peradventure it is in those times when we feel most alive, most in touch with our eternal purpose. Make no doubt about it, these moments are not just discerned, they must be seized. Bilbos young nephew, Frodo, knew when the kairos moment was calling him. Thats the way kairos moments often present themselves.Challenges, calls, leaps of faith into the great unknown Though sometimes unexplainable, the call is unmistakable. Could there be a cosmic gong? At last with an effort he spoke, and wondered to hear his own words, as if some other will was using his small voice. I will take the Ring, Frodo said, though I do not know the way. Elrond raised his eyes and looked at him, and Frodo matte his heart pierced by the sudden keenness of the glance. If I understand aright all that I have heard, he said, I think that this task is appointed for you, Frodo and that if you do not find a way, no one will.This is the hour of the Shire-folk, when they arise from their quiet fields to shake the towers and counsels of the great. Who of all the Wise could have fore seen it? Or, if they are wise, why should they expect to know it, until the hour has struck? But it is a heavy burden. So heavy that none could lay it on another. I do not lay it on you. But if you take it freely, I will say that your choice is right. 9 Lets be very clear, the kairos call is sometimes very challenging. The responsibility of the Ring came upon Frodo unwanted, what seems to happen with kairos calls. Yet, the power lies in what we do with the kairos moment.Reflect on some interchanges between Frodo and Gandalf Frodo I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened. Gandalf So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring. In which case, you were also meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought. Frodo I am not made for perilous quests. I wish I had never seen the Ring Why did it come to me? Why was I chosen? Gandalf Such questions cannot be answered.You may be sure that it was not for any merit that others do not possess. (He was just a simple hobbit, after all. ) But you have been chosen, and you must therefore use such strength and heart, and wits as you have. The weight of kairos opportunities can bring consternation. They call us out of our comfort zones. Oh to have wise people, like Gandalf, who listen to our doubts and then remind us of the importance of seizing kairos moments and staying the course Kairos moments are well worth it. The Challenge Lets tweak John Keatings Latin urge to a kairos admonition Tempus Occasio Seize the kairos momentEvery human being is loved by God and eternally valued. Every human being exists for only a certain amount of kronos time. Thousands of years before The Byrds popular, work on (To Everything There is a Season), King Solomon wrote There is a time for everything, a seaso n for every activity under heaven. (Ecclesiastes) The Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Old Testament, uses the word kairos to capture the writers intent. The question is, What will we do with our kronos moments? There is something beyond kronos. There is a time that impacts kronos with such intensity that it can alter the very kronos of a persons life.Every human being is wired with gifts and passions which afford opportunities to make unique impacts. While each of us writes the script of our life, we have been given extraordinary potential to make a discrepancy. Tempus Occasio James W. Moore boldly writes, Kairos time is full time, vital time, crucial time, decisive time, Gods time those rich special moments that break into the humdrum and change your life those powerful dramatic moments when things seem to fall into place a new perspective comes, and God seems to be speaking loud and clear.That is kairos (Seizing the Moments Making the Most of Lifes Opportunities, p 16 ) Kairos and the Present Moment 10 The young struggling diabetic Shelby, in the movie Steel Magnolias (1989) muses, I would rather have thirty minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special. Kairos moments are waiting to be grasped. There is no better time to apprehend kairos then the exact moment in time in which a person lives the present moment. Simply put, the onetime(prenominal) is over the future has yet to be written. We have the gift of the present moment in which to live.Will we seize the present moment or passively watch time tick by? The question is far from cavalier. It carries with it the tenderness of a care-giver blended with the challenge of a coach. The options are simple but the consequences can lead to great complexities. Either we proactively seize kairos time or we, by choice, choose only to live in kronos time, which tempts us to reshape the past or lures us to bring unwarranted assurances to our future. The later is a tenuous place to live. It leads to limited satisfaction, feeds our control issues, and breeds a lack of contentment.Can you think of a moment in your life which brought great joy to you? Fulfilling a dream, falling in love, the birth of a child? If only that moment could be frozen in time. It cannot. That moment is in the past, a memory to which we add other memories which will form the legacy of our lives. That moment is to be remembered and celebrated. It becomes another stitch in the fabric of our lives. It dare not become the entire garment. Recently three Detroit baseball players from an era long gone by were featured guests at a local expo.These once astral athletes, now plump old men, limped down the stairs to their booth for signing autographs. There seemed to be two types of autograph seekers that day those who wanted a symbol of some of the good ole years and those who were living as if the 84 Tigers just clinched the pennant. They donned jerseys and hats taking the concept of fan to another level. The re was a difference from remembering the past and choosing to live in the past. Conversely, can you think of a moment in your life which brought pain or sadness? Was it a sad decision? Someone who hurt you?The loss of someone you love? If only that moment had not happened. It did. That moment is also in the past, and added to our memory. It too, becomes another stitch in the fabric of our lives. It dare not become the entire garment. How many people do you know who live in the past with such intensity that it drives their very decision-making? Rather than choosing to observe the past as a scar, they see it as a festering contuse. Some even choose to regularly keep the wound open. That way they can actually use the wound as leverage for manipulation or exacting some revenge.Others peel back the scar when it is convenient giving them a good excuse for not taking responsibility for their decisions. The old saying is true, He who ignores history is bound to repeat it. However, there is a great distance between knowing our past and choosing to live in the past. Philosophy majors spar over this concept. Therapists earn a living parcel people understand it. It is the crux of how human beings, young and old, choose to live. Will we choose the present moment? This is very practical. Take for instance, Brady Quinn, quarterback (2002-2006), The University of Notre Dame 1 Before coach Charlie Weis came to Notre Dame, Brady Quinns development was like a slow, steady drip. Quinn had arrived at Notre Dame as a highly touted quarterback However, he wasnt able to live up to the high expectations during his first two years in South Bend, IN. With one season of eligibility remaining, Quinn holds almost every major Notre Dame single-season and career passing record. His improved play has much to do with the Irishs return to a place among the nations elite programs. (Michael Rothstein, ESPN. om, January 2, 2006) Charlie Weiss came to Notre Dames storied program as suburb playi ng-calling genius with three Super Bowl rings. His pedigree is helping young quarterbacks succeed to monumental levels. In an interview, Quinn was asked to describe the zenith of his turnaround, he simply reflected, It all began when I started to believe the coach. What was the coachs oft-repeated mantra to Quinn? Forget the past. Ill worry about your future. Your job is to live in the present moment. If its true for a twenty-something sports phenom imagine the stake from an eternal perspective.What if a person would simply choose to live, just live, in the present moment? Imagine a life of present moment living where authentic behavior is honed by the self-disciple, practice, and self-control of the martial artist. Imagine what it would be like to make conscience efforts to let go of all our baggage puerility problems, prejudices, assumptions, interpretations, and projections and being responsive to the moment, appreciating the power of now. Present moment living is both spont aneous and responsible. (Spiritually Intelligent Leadership, Danah Zohar, Leader to Leader, No. 8 Fall 2005) The Bible has specific words for past moments, they are redeemable. I have redeemed you I have called you by name You are mine Our Heavenly Father, through the power of Christ, offers a life of no-regrets. The slate is wiped clean and He restores in spades that which was lost. That leaves an ominous choice. Either a person can choose to live in the past, listening to all the loud voices which scream of rejection, failure, and unforgiveness or a person can choose to accept the truth which is, each person is eternally loved and God wants all people redeemed.Because Christ bought us back, we are offered a life of kairos, a way of life which is about buying back (making the most of) opportunities seizing these moments for the Kingdom of God. Tempus Occasio Kairos Opportunities People who choose kairos living as a way of life not only accept redemption they bask in all that it ha s to offer. They believe the past is really bought back and they are given a new lease at life. The past is a scar. Kairos people look at the scar and remember how much healing distance there is between the present moment and that scar.They believe with more and more faith each day that God does indeed, make all things new. Therefore to seize kairos is to pluck all the grace the Heavenly Father offers and accept it through faith. Kairos people accept faith as a gift and deliver increasing amounts of faith to people they meet. 12 People who choose kairos living as a way of life believe the future is really in good hands Gods hands. Jesus wasnt stretching the truth when he said, Dont worry about tomorrow. It is Gods design that we seek to trust Him with our future.Therefore, kairos people are people of hope. They actually believe the Heavenly Father wants to give them good things and do good things through them. Kairos people put their hope in the One who controls the future and in tu rn, seeks to deliver increasing amounts of hope to people they meet. People who choose kairos living as a way of life know the Heavenly Father loves them first and in turn, respond by sweet God with all their heart, soul, and mind. They know the depth of love they receive and want to give it away to others, thereby, living out the Great Commandments of Jesus.Kairos people love God and love people believing that loving others is directly proportional to how much we love ourselves. Kairos people are people who love, radically and relentlessly and seek to deliver increasing amounts of love to people they meet. Tempus Occasio Conclusion In the span of every human beings life there are kairos opportunities. You may not be standing in the hallway of a boarding school with John Keating whispering, Carpe Diem But you are standing on the precipice of other kairos opportunities. Tempus occasio You may not be a teenager who is seeking to understand the meaning of life.But you are invited to find purpose and power as you gaze into the face of the One who created you and calls you Beloved, go you destiny-changing opportunities. Tempus occasio You may not be gazing into the pictures of those who lived a century ago. But you are invited to study the lives of those who have taken their kairos moments and transformed their world. Tempus occasio Are you ready for an adventure? If you listen real close, you can hear opportunity calling. Your legacy is ready to be written. Go on, lean in. Listen, you hear it? Tempus Hear it? Tempus Tempus occasio Seize kairos Make your lives extraordinary. 13
Sunday, May 26, 2019
United Cereals
In general, every firm is confronted with some basic issues such as. in which grocery stores to operate what products to offer and how to distribute these products The banner means join grain used to enter the European market consisted of three main steps, namely acquisitions of companies in deferent European countries (1), introduction of products from the fall in Cereal US product line (2) and promoting organic growth through the adoption of these products to local market conditions by a respective country manager In charge (3).The advantages of establishing national subsidiaries by acquiring laid primarily In an effective and fast way of gaining market share in a especial(a) market. Thus, in 2009 the market share of US in Europe amounted to 20%, only 6% below the market share of its main competitor Kellogg. abundant benefits could also be achieved collectible to local expertise and reputation of the established companies in respective countries in terms of marketing foc us, local tastes, targets, competitors, brand faithfulness as well as legal framework.Other advantages were realized from already existing distribution networks, providing access to local logistics companies as well as cooperation with local retailers and wholesalers. However, thither also were certain risks concerning the suitability of the distribution partner to the Introduced products as the exploitation of particular sales channels varied considerably across countries (e. G. Germany with 80% vs.. Italy with 17% as mentioned above).Further rolls/dilettantes of this strategy (although not stated in the text explicitly) might be associated with the integration and implementation cost, caused by adoption of the foreign business to the united Cereals business and its values concerning the US Way. The next step of he United Cereals standard way was the introduction of products from the existing product line, which comprised more than blow brands. Thus, the company profited from the possibility to launch its successful US brands also in the European market.This strategy was enforced especially by high demand for US products which were very much in vogue at that time, especially in ass and ass. Furthermore, as there was no need In developing a completely new product line this fast and cheap access Into local competition enabled united Cereals to achieve a solid organic growth. However, due to differences across European markets there still were costs, associated with customization of products and adjustment of manufacturing processes when US brands did not correspond to the local market tastes.Introduction of US line in each decisions and determining, which products from United Cereals could succeed and make profit in that country. With a broad understanding of the market the country manager was able to adjust products perfectly to local market conditions, while respecting the US Way. Such country level approach coupled with high susceptibility and flexibility led to a very high demand of country managers as well as profit minimization in most national markets. However, over time inconsistency in positioning the products, e. . office a product as high-end in Germany, but as a low-end in I-J, became a matter of concern. Redundancies due to individual marketing campaigns in smash countries for different products led to expenses 25% higher than in the U. S. Operations. Especially, in the light of a global recession in 2008-09 and more competitive markets, forcing market participants to declare oneself lower- ricer products cost reductions and cost efficiency, became a major focus of United Cereals.Further risks were associated with country managers, preferring product extensions rather than new product introductions in order to reduce costs and maintain profits in their country. Reasons for this behavior were above all lack of resources and too high costs of launching and developing new products. Thus, the US standard way is not sustaina ble anymore and new market strategy combined with cost effective and more efficient processes should be considered.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Understanding Your Fats and Fiber
When people discuss diet and health there are many an(prenominal) stigmas, one of them being that all fats are bad. While fats can be harmful if taken in excess, there are many different types of fats that hold in up this category. The fats that make up category are saturated fats, unsaturated fats, trans-fatty acids and hydrogenated fats. Each of these fats are different and all play a role in your diet, some give much needed nutrients, while others have low nutritional value.One of the internal things that is given from fats in your food are the essential fatty acids or EFA these are essential and important to take in from your food because the body is incapable of producing EFAs (Fat Facts grave Fats Vs. Bad Fats, 2013). Fat overly carries other necessary vitamins to include vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K. According to Dr. Wahida Karmally, Fat is also necessary for maintaining healthy skin, and it plays a central role in promoting proper eyesight and brain dev elopment in babies and children. However, fats can still pack on the bulge, at 9 calories per gram, of any type of fat, has more than twice the calories of carbohydrates and protein (Fat Facts Good Fats Vs. Bad Fats, 2013). Diets that are high in saturated and Trans fatty acids are known to raise blood cholesterol and can produce artery block compounds. This blocks oxygen flow to the heart, as well as, to the brain. Both saturated and Trans fat are daily fats that you need to limit in your diet. Saturated fats can be found in meats, butter and ice cream while Trans fats are found in things such as margarines and packaged foods.Trans fats are present in fatty meats and full-fat dairy foods (Fat Facts Good Fats Vs. Bad Fats, 2013), most Trans fats are an end product of hydrogenation. Hydrogenation converts oil into a firmer, better tasting product and free it a longer shelf life, in this process, some of the unsaturated fat in the oil becomes saturated (Fat Facts Good Fats Vs. Bad F ats, 2013). Unsaturated or monounsaturated fats should be the dominate type of fat in a balanced diet (Fat Facts Good Fats Vs. Bad Fats, 2013). Some of the foods that are high in monounsaturated fats can be olive and canola oils, avocado, almonds and cashews.Simply put you should try to stay away from Trans fatty acids and saturated fats whenever possible. Though fats have a bad account they are not all bad and have some essential vitamins and nutrients that can only be retrieved from things such as meat and dairy. Unsaturated or monounsaturated fats are the most beneficial fats for you and are to be taken in place of the others when possible. By eating lean meats, different assorted nuts and things corresponding avocado you can reduce the risk of clogged arteries and high blood cholesterol.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Julietââ¬â¢s Soliloquy Analysis
Upon the opening of Act III, burst II of William Shakespeares drama, Romeo and Juliet, Juliet reveals her impatience charm waiting for nighttime to come shortly after her marriage with Romeo. At first, Juliet urges the sun to gallop apace towards Phoebus live (3. 3. 1-2) in order to swiftly study about night time so that she may be begin her romance with Romeo. Juliet is unwilling to wait for night time and urges the gods to summon the night, pleading to Grecian gods even though she is an Italian Catholic. Furthermore, the word gallop suggests quick movement.Juliet further demonstrates her urgency when she commands the sky to bring in cloudy night immediately (3. 2. 4), masking both her impatience and her sense of secrecy. Furthermore, her repetitions of the word come when she says come, night come, Romeo come (3. 2. 17) indicates her agitation while urging the cardinal to arrive with haste. Moreover, Juliet compares herself to an impatient child that hath new-fangled robes / and may not wear them (3. 2. 32-33), revealing her childish eagerness for the night to come. Juliets soliloquy has an impatient tone, illustrated with her imagery and syntax.Upon the opening of Act III, Scene II of William Shakespeares drama, Romeo and Juliet, Juliet reveals her impatience while waiting for night to come shortly after her marriage with Romeo. At first, Juliet urges the sun to gallop apace towards Phoebus lodging (3. 3. 1-2) in order to swiftly bring about night time so that she may be begin her romance with Romeo. Juliet is unwilling to wait for night time and urges the gods to summon the night, pleading to Greek gods even though she is an Italian Catholic. Furthermore, the word gallop suggests quick movement.Juliet further demonstrates her urgency when she commands the sky to bring in cloudy night immediately (3. 2. 4), showing both her impatience and her sense of secrecy. Furthermore, her repetitions of the word come when she says come, night come, Romeo come (3. 2. 17) indicates her agitation while urging the two to arrive with haste. Moreover, Juliet compares herself to an impatient child that hath new robes/ and may not wear them (3. 2. 32-33), revealing her childish eagerness for the night to come. Juliets soliloquy has an impatient tone, illustrated through her imagery and syntax.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Hong Kong Identity
Identity Politic July inaugural, 2003 Protest Agenda 1. Introduction 1. 1. What is indistinguishability quiet 1. 2. Political events that have affected HK Identity 2. July1st, 2003 defy 3. Conclusion 1. 1. What is Identity Politic Identity politics Identity as a politic Development of identity politic Past v. s Present Introduction July 1st Protest Conclusion 1. 2. Political events that affected HK Identity Tiananmen Square later on WWI Refugee Identity Mistrust of Chinese Government Article 23 After 1960 Local HK Identity 1997 Handover 2013Introduction July 1st Protest Conclusion 2. July1st, 2003 protest Annual protest led by Civil Human Rights Front Article 23 The Hong Kong SAR shall enact laws on its own to prohibit any act of treason, secession, sedition, subversion against the commutation Peoples Government, or theft of state secrets, to prohibit foreign political organizations or bodies from conducting political activities in the Region, and to prohibit political or ganizations or bodies of the Region from establishing ties with foreign political organizations or bodiesIntroduction July 1st Protest Conclusion Concerns Pros British government activity also had re laborive acts e. g Society Ordinance and the Public Order Ordinance Cons natural law is allowed to enter houses and arrest bulk without warrant/evidence No freedom of speech Violation of Article 23 can result in a life term in a prison Any organization can be banned by PRC Conclusion Introduction July 1st Protest HK people identityIdentity of general HK people Pragmatism Individualism Narrowing gap surrounded by HK people/ mainlanders ambitious, adaptable, practical and clever Widening gap between HK people/ mainlanders valuing free speech, press freedom, privacy and equality Introduction July 1st Protest Conclusion HK people identity Parties that affect HK people identity HK people identity British colonial period rule of law, state, freedom of speech Chinese Government formal education, flag-raising ceremonies visits to the mainland IntroductionJuly 1st Protest Conclusion Identity illustrated by July 1st, 2003 Widening gap Antagonism vs. Pragmatic Nationalism and Liberalized Nationalism Cosmopolitan identity HKs dream, opportunities in society, has affected to locals commitment to democracy Introduction July 1st Protest Conclusion 3. Conclusion Evident that Article 23 politic widened the gap of issue in rights of HK people ex. Free speech, press freedom, valuing privacy, valuing equality But still the trend is that people feel less gap with mainlanders ainlands characteristic change HK people affected by mainland governments media, education, and ceremonies. No identity is perfectly coherent there is inconsistencies Introduction July 1st Protest Conclusion Questions to discuss What are the evolving features of the local political identity, gloss and participation What is the essence of the conflicts between the local and national ident ities of HK people? What are the reasons for the rise of new activism, and what is its impact? Introduction July 1st Protest Conclusion
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Monster Verses Monster
Today, people still recognize the ghastly, atrocious Frankenstein as a monster, but according to Deems Taylors Monster, Richard Wagner is the monstrous beast. Monsters are expect to be frightening like Frankenstein, but some monsters are real humans like Richard Wagner. Oddly, when comparing Frankenstein and Wagnerthey certainly share some of the same sepulchral features. Frankenstein and Wagners pillowcases manifest a gloomy expression of black death. Their spirit for life lacks warmth in their eyes. Frankensteins eyes are hollow and dreary cover with drooping, eyelids, and underneath his eyes are massive sandbags.Similarly, Wagners vengeful gaze leers inertly like a frozen statue. Taylor says, he has a genius for making enemies (695). The pasty bags (sagging higher up his cheekbones) are blown up like air pockets. Moreover, they share similar shriveled lips. Frankensteins colorless lips are dimly distorted like the address of a ruined, porcelain doll. While Wagners, sickly, pal e lips evoke a spine-chilling eeriness causing most people to shutter its the kind that makes the skin crawl with slit bumps. Undoubtedly, their cold expressions are lifeless, and wicked however, the size and shape of their heads are equally dreadful.Their large, peculiar, heads resemble a heavy mass wobbling like a violate head. Their foreheads dominate their gigantic skulls. Frankensteins forehead is like a stretched-canvas awning for protection over his eyes. It protrudes along his brow like a piece of admixture rod lodged underneath his skin. Likewise, Wagners receding hairline emphasizes the size of his enormous skull. According to Taylor, he states, his head is too big for his body (693). Furthermore, the structure of their chins is abnormally malformed. Frankensteins square chin bulks like a block of wood wedged into his bottom jaw.Its size is the dimension of a small building. On the other hand, Wagners narrow, pointy chin extends like an arrow heading for its target. Ind eed, the likeness of Frankenstein and Wagners massive skulls are laughably creepy. Nonetheless, the magnitude of resemblance is uncanny. All the same, the fearsome expressions on a face or the bizarre proportions of a body can depict a vision of a monster. Frankenstein is a character, created, monster, but Wagner is a real person a monster in the eyes of Taylor. As attested by Taylor, the name of his monster is Richard Wagner (695).
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
American Tool Works Essay
This course focuses on improving the performance of the firm and its supply chain by coordination among multiple sites, functions, and economic actors ( customers and suppliers). Students leave alone get laid how to design and implement strategies for structure and management, both cross-functionally, with the firm, and across an attention value chain among interacting firms. These strategies include restructuring supply chain facility net forges, coordinating information and materials flow, managing supplier relations, and managing customer order fulfillment processes.The theme of the course is that strategies that enhance integration throughout the supply chain arsehole lead to improved performance (in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, quality, customer satisfaction, cost, flexibility, etc. ), providing firms with a source of competitive advantage. school text D. Simchi-Levi, P. Kaminsky, and E. Simchi-Levi, Designing and Managing the Supply Chain Concepts, Strategies, and Case Studies, 3rd ed. , McGraw Hill/Irwin, New York, 2008, ISBN 978-0-07-298239-8.READINGSAdditional articles and causes allow be made in stock(predicate) through WebCT and http//cb. hbsp. harvard. edu/cb/access/5023124 SOFTWAREThe Beer Game simulation software is available on the web and will be apply for real-time ordering, planning, forecasting decisions in the supply chain. The Risk pocket billiards Game is available on the CD that comes with the text. The Global Supply Chain Management Simulation is available through harvardbusinessonline. com and allows students to manage product design, procurement, and production for four simulated years.Excel will be use for inventory management, supply contracts, and for optimal resource allocation and distribution network configuration. PREREQUISITES Second year standing(a) COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. Recognize salient challenges and opportunities for managing supply chains. 2. Become familiar with supply chain strategies that have been c hoose by leading companies. 3. Learn to use several analytical tools to assess tradeoffs and support decision making. method actingThis course stress those models, concepts, and solutions methods that can be applied to the design, control, operation, and management of supply chain systems. The course includes lectures, case discussions, presentations, and hands-on, practical exercises and games to provide both a sound base of learning and an opportunity to test and take aim skill. Students should do all of the assigned readings and cases before coming to class, and prepare for, and contribute to, class discussions. Excel is used to support the quantitatively intensive topics. STUDENT TEAMSTeams will consist of about five students who will work together as the presenting and questioning team ups for cases and articles as described below. The teams may allocate the work as desired, as long as all team fellow members agree with the allocation. The team should let a member know if th ey are not performing at an appropriate level, and should contact the instructor if problems persist. Each team member will provide the instructor with an evaluation of their team members performance at the end of the term by allocating 100 total points (no self-allocation) between the other members.This information will be used to adjust team work grades. CASE PRESENTATIONS Each student team will have the opportunity of serving as the presenting team for two of the cases and the questioning team for one of the cases that we will discuss in class. The presenting team will provide the background and content of the case, an analysis of what the company did correctly or incorrectly, and suggestions about what the company should do in the future.They should also address any questions given as part of the case write-up or indicated by the instructor. The questioning team will be responsible for questioning the presenting team, offering alternative solutions, and for leading the rest of t he class in a discussion of the case. The questioning team will submit a scripted list of questions prior to the presentation. The members of the class will be asked to assess the performance of both teams. The instructor will incorporate the class evaluations into the presentation grades.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Fill in the Blank Summer Final Exam
Sociology 101 Fill in the Blank Summer Final trial Directions This 50 question exam covers Chapters 1 through 15 and is due no later than twelve noon Friday, 7/29. Each question is worth 3 points for a total of 150 points for this exam. There could be as mevery as 3 words requisite for the answer. The answer will be counted absurd if all words be not exact and spelled correctly. This is an open book exam, but please do not share answers with your class equals. Remember that the integrity of the learning environment requires our h wizsty. Provide the number and the answer only and post in the message box located below these questions.Be sure to click on Submit when finished. 1. The ability to see how our personal troubles are connected to public issues and sociable structures is called the sociological imagination. 2. morphologic functionalism addresses the question of amicable organization or structures of ships company and how it is maintained or functions. 3. Value-free so ciology concerns itself with establishing what is, not what ought to be. 4. Empirical search is research based on systematic, unbiased examination of evidence. 5. Manifest functions or dysfunctions are consequences of social structures that are intended or recognized. . Conflict supposition addresses the points of stress and conflict in society and the ways in which they contribute to social change. 7. Symbolic interaction theory addresses the subjective meanings of human acts and the processes through which large number have it away to develop and communicate shared meanings. 8. The experiment is a method of research strategy in which the detective manipulates independent variables to test theories of cause and effect. 9. Social-desirability bias is the design of people to color the truth so that they perish more desirable and socially acceptable than they really are. 0. Replication is the repetition of empirical studies by some other researcher or with different samples to see if the same results occur. 11. Content analysis refers to the systematic examination of documents of any sort. 12. The way of life shared by members of a community that includes language, values, symbolic meanings, technology and material objects is called goal. 13. Ethnocentrism is the tendency to judge other cultures according to the norms and values of our own culture. 14. Cultural relativity requires that each cultural distinction be evaluated in the context of its own culture. 5. Cultural diffusion is the process by which aspects of one culture or subculture are incorporated into another. 16. Norms associated with fairly strong ideas of right and wrong that carry a virtuous connotation are called mores. 17. Counterculture are groups whose values, whimseys, interests, and lifestyles conflict with those of the larger culture. 18. Assimilation is the process through which individuals learn and take for granted the values and social practices of the dominant group, someti mes giving up their own values in the process. 19.When one part of culture (usually technology) changes more rapidly than another, sociologists call this cultural lag. 20. The process of learning the roles, statuses, and values necessary for participation in social institutions is called socialization. 21. The process of learning to view ourselves as we think others view us is called the looking-glass self. 22. Primary socialization is personality development and role learning that occurs during early childhood. 23. An institution is an tolerate social structure that meets basic human needs. 24.Dramaturgy is a version of symbolic interaction that views social situations as scenes manipulated by the actors to convey the desired impression to the audience. 25. The norm of reciprocity is the expectation that people will dedicate favors and strive to maintain a balance of obligation in social relationships. 26. McDonaldization is the process by which the principles of the fast-food re staurantsefficiency, calculability, predictability, and arrestare coming to dominate more sectors of American society. 27. Anomie is a situation in which the norms of society are unclear or no longer applicable to current conditions. 8. Differential association theory says that people learn to be deviant when more of their associates favor deviance than favor conformity. 29. Stratification is the charge pattern of inequality in which social statuses are ranked on the basis of their access to unprecedented resources. 30. The world-systems theory is a conflict perspective of the economic relationships between developed and developing countries, the core and peripheral device societies. 31. Environmental racism refers to the disproportionately large number of health and environmental risks that minorities face daily in their neighborhoods and workplaces. 2. Double jeopardy means having low status on two different dimensions of stratification. 33. Sexism is a belief that men and wom en have biologically different capacities and that these form a legitimate basis for unequal treatment. 34. The manufacturers of nausea are groups that promote and benefit from deadly behaviors and social conditions. 35. Marriage is an institutionalized social structure that provides an enduring framework for regulating sexual behavior and childbearing. 36. Propinquity is spatial nearness. 7. Exogamy means choosing a mate from outside ones own racial, ethnic, or religious group. 38. The hidden curriculum is the underlying cultural messages that schools teach to socialise young people into obedience and conformity. 39. Tracking occurs when evaluations made relatively early in a childs life determine the educational programs the child will be encouraged to follow. 40. Secularization is the process of transferring things, ideas, or events from the reverend realm to the nonsacred, or secular, realm. 41.The Protestant Ethic refers to the belief that work, rationalism, and plain livin g are moral virtues, whereas idling and indulgence are sinful. 42. Authoritarian systems are political systems in which the leadership is not selected by the people and legally cannot be changed by them. 43. The power elite comprises the people who occupy the top positions in trine bureaucraciesthe military, industry, and the executive branch of governmentand who are thought to act together to run the United States in their own interests. 44.Capitalism is the economic system based on competition, in which most wealth (land, capital, and labor) is head-to-head property, to be used by its owners to maximize their own gain and profit. 45. Socialism is an economic structure in which productive tools (land, labor, and capital) are owned and managed by the workers and used for the collective good. 46. Alienation occurs when workers have no obtain over the work process or the product of their labor. 47. Collective behavior is spontaneous action by groups in situations where cultural ru les for behavior are unclear. 48.A social movement is an ongoing, goal-directed effort to fundamentally challenge social institutions, attitudes, or ways of life. 49. Relative-deprivation theory argues that social movements arise when people experience an insufferable gap between their expectations and the rewards they actually receive. 50. Frame alignment is the process used by a social movement to convince individuals that their personal interests, values, and beliefs are complementary to those of the movement. Instructions Enter or paste your pen work and/or click Attachments to upload your files.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Comparison of Editorials
Assignment 2 railleryComparison of Editorials In this assignment, you will identify and explore your intuitive critical thinking strategies. It is the functioning daub to developing the skills to analyze information critically. Research methods of identifying strong and weak bloods using your textbook and the Argosy University on epithelial duct library resources. Be sure to cover the following * Identify premises and conclusions * plow whether or not an inference is warranted * Discuss matters of truth and trunkFor this assignment, your facilitator will assign you adept of the following debates * weigh 1 Should the Ashley X treatments gift been permitted? * Debate 2 Is Osama Bin Ladens death a decisive blow to Al infrastructure or an unmitigated victory against terrorism? Each debate has two sets of articles for review. Your facilitator will assign you one of these sets. Each set has two articles with two varying, but important, perspectives on the same subject. Be sure to find out two articles in the set. Debate 1These pairs of articles focus on the subject of Ashley X, a child with quiet encephalopathy who underwent radical surgical procedures to facilitate her care and, thereby, ostensibly improve her quality of life. Set A * Lewis, J. (2007, January 6). The moral line in medicine shifts once again. The Independent, p. 37. (ProQuest put down ID 311096455). http//search. proquest. com. libproxy. edmc. edu/docview/311096455/abstract? source=fedsrch&accountid=34899 * Singer, P. (2007, January 26). A comfort qualified truth Op-Ed. The bran-new York Times. (ProQuest Document ID 433487228). ttp//search. proquest. com. libproxy. edmc. edu/docview/433487228/abstract? source=fedsrch&accountid=34899 Set B * Lindemann, H. , Nelson, J. L. (2008). The romance of the family. The Hastings sharpen Report, 38(4), 1921. (ProQuest Document ID 222368438). http//search. proquest. com. libproxy. edmc. edu/docview/222368438? accountid=3489 9 * Picard, A. (2007, J anuary 11). Its wrong to keep disabled girl as an angel. The egg and Mail, p. A. 17. (ProQuest Document ID 383481551). http//search. proquest. com. libproxy. edmc. edu/docview/383481551/abstract? ource=fedsrchaccountid=34899 Debate 2 These pairs of articles focus on the subject of Osama Bin Ladens death and the alleged implications his death are expected to submit on matters of future Al radical activity and international safety. Set A * Clarke, R. A. (2011, May 3). Bin Ladens dead. Al roots not Op-Ed. The New York Times, p. A. 23. (ProQuest Document ID 864311946). http//search. proquest. com. libproxy. edmc. edu/docview/864311946/abstract? source=fedsrchaccountid=34899 * Soufan, A. H. (2011, May 3). The end of the Jihadist dream Op-Ed. The New York Times, p.A. 23. (ProQuest Document ID 864311556). Retrieved from http//search. proquest. com. libproxy. edmc. edu/docview/864540238/abstract? source=fedsrchaccountid=34899 Set B * Clarke, R. A. (2011, May 3). Bin Ladens dead. Al Qaed as not Op-Ed. The New York Times, p. A. 23. (ProQuest Document ID 864311946). http//search. proquest. com. libproxy. edmc. edu/docview/864311946/abstract? source=fedsrchaccountid=34899 * Nocera, J. (2011, May 3). 4 questions he leaves behind Op-Ed. The New York Times, p. A. 23. (ProQuest Document ID 864311864). http//search. proquest. om. libproxy. edmc. edu/docview/864311864/abstract? source=fedsrchaccountid=34899 Respond to the following * Identify and explain the strongest argument in each article. Or * Identify and explain the weakest argument in each article. Give reasons and examples from your explore in support of your response. Write your initial response in 12 paragraphs. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. By Saturday, April 13, 2013, post your response to the appropriate Discussion Area. Through Wednesday, April 17, 2013, review and comment on at least two peers responses. Debate 1These pairs of articles focus on the subject of Ashley X, a child with nonmoving encephalopathy who underwent radical surgical procedures to facilitate her care and, thereby, ostensibly improve her quality of life. Set A * Lewis, J. (2007, January 6). The moral line in medicine shifts once again. The Independent, p. 37. (ProQuest Document ID 311096455). http//search. proquest. com. libproxy. edmc. edu/docview/311096455/abstract? source=fedsrchaccountid=34899 * Singer, P. (2007, January 26). A well-provided truth Op-Ed. The New York Times. (ProQuest Document ID 433487228). http//search. proquest. com. libproxy. edmc. du/docview/433487228/abstract? source=fedsrchaccountid=34899 Set B * Lindemann, H. , Nelson, J. L. (2008). The romance of the family. The Hastings warmness Report, 38(4), 1921. (ProQuest Document ID 222368438). http//search. proquest. com. libproxy. edmc. edu/docview/222368438? accountid=34899 * Picard, A. (2007, January 11). Its wrong to keep disabled girl as an angel. The Globe and Mail, p. A. 17. (ProQuest Document ID 383481551). http//search. p roquest. com. libproxy. edmc. edu/docview/383481551/abstract? source=fedsrch&accountid=34899 Identify premises and conclusions Discuss whether or not an inference is warrantedDiscuss matters of truth and consistency Debate 1 Should the Ashley X treatments have been permitted? After reading all the articles, I believe that the Ashley X treatments should have been permitted. All parents want what is in the best interest of their child, even though sometimes they foundation make mistakes like all people. I am a parent and I could not presuppose going through what Ashleys parents go through every single day. If my child was like that I guess that I would probably do the same thing because having a child have a full grown body but the mind of a 3 month old bungle cannot be a good thing.As parents, you have to protect your children the best way that you know how. The parents say that what they have done to Ashley is not for their convenience but for the girls comfort. They say the medi cal procedures are not cruel rather, what is fantastical is having a fully grown fertile woman endowed with the mind of a baby (Andre, 2007). in that location are many different types of fallacies and they are the straw man, attacks on character, post hoc, begging the question, appeal to pop belief, hasty generalization, irrelevant appeal to authority, over simplification, appeal to tradition, and false dichotomy.When reading through these articles, I get wind hasty generalization. I know that everyone has their own opinions but there are also facts to this case. Once you start tinkering with nature, where do you decide to draw the line if at all? As Ash-leys father points out, All medicine is about interfering with nature. Why not let cancer spread and nature take its rush? Why give antibiotics for infections? Science has kept Ashley alive why shouldnt it be used to make her more comfortable (Lewis, 2007)? Modern medicine may save us from immediate tragedy, but only at th e cost of our ethical peace of mind.We react violently to stories such as Ashleys because we are afraid of the miracles we have wrought. Where once there was just God and fate, now we face an endless panorama of impossible important decisions (Lewis, 2007). With this statement, What matters in Ashleys life is that she should not suffer, and that she should be able to enjoy whatever she is capable of enjoying. Beyond that, she is treasured not so much for what she is, but because her parents and siblings love her and care about her.Lofty talk about compassionate dignity should not stand in the way of children like her getting the treatment that is best both for them and their families (Singer, 2007). , I completely agree with what was said here. For any person in this world, we should all be able to enjoy whatever we can no matter what the situation is. In Ashleys case, being that she has the expectation of a 3 month old it would be hard to enjoy the life of an adult. References Lewis, J. (2007, Jan 06). The moral line in medicine shifts once again EDITORIAL OPINION. The Independent. Retrieved from
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Drugs in Schools Essay
It is said that the majority of mettlesome school students ache witnessed illegal drugs being used in their schools, illegal drugs being sold, illegal drugs in the possession of students, students proud on drugs and students that are drunk. Parents think that until they get rid the schools of drugs, students will not bring good grades and strike high marks. In schools in Newfoundland and Labrador, drugs are a huge issue. Smoking weed has be move up as regular as smoking a cigarette.The youth are even selling marijuana amongst themselves. entirely kinds of drugs are being used such as crystal meth, pot and ecstasy. In America, 60% of high school students and 30% or middle school students returned to school this year where illegal drugs are used, unploughed and sold. Many reports found that drug abuse will increase and will add $41 one thousand million to the cost of elementary and secondary education this year for class disruption and violence, special education and tutoring. P arents rate that drugs contain infested schools and threatened students and their ability to learn and develop their talents.If parents would feel strongly about drugs in schools, we would have drug-free schools. It seems that more and more high school students are using drugs every year. Mostly, 10.5% of the youth that come for treatment are kids who started using drugs before the age of eleven. The media says that it is the parents, school board and the authorities to be held answerable for this because they never asked for drug-free schools.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Vampire Academy Chapter 6
SIXAS MUCH AS LISSA AND Christians meeting bothered me, it gave me an idea the nigh day.Hey, Kirova er, Ms. Kirova. I stood in the doorway of her shootice, non having bothered to diagnose an appointment. She raised her eyes from some paper tutor, in averigibly annoyed to see me.Yes, Miss Hathaway?Does my stand arrest base I cant go to church?I beg your pardon?You verbalise that whenever Im not in class or pr typifyice, I have to quench in the dormitory. But what closely church on Sundays? I dont cerebrate its re al oney fair to documentation me away from my religious?um, needs. Or deprive me of another chance no matter how short and slow to hang out with Lissa.She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. I wasnt aware you had any religious needs.I found Jesus while I was g unitary.Isnt your mother an atheist? she asked skeptically.And my dads probably Muslim. But Ive moved on to my receive path. You shouldnt obtain me from it.She made a noise that sort of ski lfuled akin a snicker. No, Miss Hathaway, I should not. Very well. You may attend services on Sundays.The victory was short-lived, however, because church was e very(prenominal) bit as lame as I remembered when I attended a few days later. I did construct grow to sit next to Lissa, though, which made me feel analogous I was braceting away with something. Mostly I salutary people-watched. Church was optional for students, exclusively with so umpteen Eastern European families, a pass around of students were Eastern Orthodox Christians and attended either because they believed or because their parents made them.Christian sat on the foe side of the aisle, pretending to be just as holy as hed said. As much as I didnt like him, his fake faith noneffervescent made me smile. Dimitri sat in the back, face line with shadows, and, like me, didnt relegate communion. As sound judgmentful as he looked, I wondered if he even bear in minded to the service. I tuned in and out.Followi ng Gods path is never easy, the non-Christian priest was saying. Even St. Vladimir, this works own patron saint, had a anesthetisesome measure. He was so filled with spirit that people often flocked around him, enthralled just to listen and be in his presence. So great was his spirit, the old texts say, that he could heal the sick. Yet despite these gifts, many did not respect him. They mocked him, claiming he was misguided and confused.Which was a nice way of saying Vladimir was insane. Everyone knew it. He was one of a contactful of Moroi saints, so the priest liked to talk or so him a lot. Id perceive all about him, many measure oer, before we left. Great. It looked like I had an eternity of Sundays to hear his story over and over again.?and so it was with shadow-kissed Anna.I jerked my head up. I had no idea what the priest was public lecture about now, because I hadnt been listening for some time. But those words burned into me. Shadow-kissed. It had been a while sinc e I heard them, merely Id never forgotten them. I waited, hoping hed continue, but hed al learny moved on to the next crash of the service. The sermon was over.Church concluded, and as Lissa turned to go, I shook my head at her. Wait for me. Ill be right there.I pushed my way through the crowd, up to the front, where the priest was speaking with a few people. I waited impatiently while he finished. Natalie was there, asking him about volunteer work she could do. Ugh. When she finished, she left, greeting me as she passed.The priest raised his eyebrows when he saw me. Hello, Rose. Its nice to see you again.Yeah?you too, I said. I heard you lecture about Anna. About how she was ?shadow-kissed. What does that mean?He frowned. Im not entirely sure. She lived a very long time ago. It was often common to refer to people by titles that reflected some of their traits. It might have been given to make her sound fierce.I tried to hide my disappointment. Oh. So who was she?This time his fro wn was disapproving rather than persuasionful. I mentioned it a number of times.Oh. I must have, um, lost that.His disapproval grew, and he turned around. Wait just a moment.He disappeared through the door near the altar, the one Lissa had taken to the attic. I considered fleeing but thought God might strike me go through for that. Less than a minute later, the priest returned with a book. He handed it to me. Moroi Saints.You can learn about her in here. The next time I see you, Id like to hear what youve learned.I scowled as I walked away. Great. Homework from the priest.In the chapels entry way, I found Lissa talking to Aaron. She smiled as she spoke, and the feelings coming mop up her were happy, though certainly not infatuated.Youre kidding, she exclaimed.He shook his head. Nope.Seeing me saunter over, she turned to me. Rose, youre never loss to believe this. You subsist Abby Badica? And Xander? Their guardian wants to resign. And marry another guardian.Now this was evoke gossip. A scandal, actually. Seriously? Are they, like, going to run cancelled together?She nodded. Theyre getting a house. going away to get telephone circuits with humans, I guess.I glanced at Aaron, who had suddenly turned shy with me there. How are Abby and Xander dealing with that?Okay. Embarrassed. They phone its stupid. Then he echtized who he was speaking to. Oh. I didnt mean Whatever. I gave him a slopped smile. It is stupid.Wow. I was stunned. The rebellious vocalization me of loved any story where people fought the system. Only, in this case, they were fighting my system, the one Id been trained to believe in my entire life.Dhampirs and Moroi had a strange arrangement. Dhampirs had originally been born from Moroi mixing with humans. Unfortunately, dhampirs couldnt produce with each other or with humans. It was a weird genetic thing. Mules were the same way, Id been told, though that wasnt a comparing I really liked hearing. Dhampirs and full Moroi could have ch ildren together, and, through another genetic oddity, their kids came out as standard dhampirs, with half human genes, half vampire genes.With Moroi being the only ones with whom dhampirs could reproduce, we had to stay close to them and blend with them. Likewise, it became important to us that the Moroi simply survived. Without them, we were done. And with the way Strigoi loved picking score Moroi, their survival became a accredited concern for us.That was how the guardian system developed. Dhampirs couldnt work magic, but we made great warriors. Wed inherited enhanced senses and reflexes from our vampire genes and better strength and endurance from our human genes. We also werent limited by a need for subscriber line or trouble with sunlight. Sure, we werent as powerful as the Strigoi, but we trained hard, and guardians did a kick-ass job at keeping Moroi safe. Most dhampirs felt it was worth risking their own lives to make sure our lovable could still keep having children.Sin ce Moroi usually wanted to have and raise Moroi children, you didnt remark a lot of long-term Moroi-dhampir romances. You especially didnt find a lot of Moroi women hooking up with dhampir guys. But plenty of young Moroi men liked effortless around with dhampir women, although those guys usually went on to marry Moroi women. That left a lot of single dhampir mothers, but we were punk and could handle it.However, many dhampir mothers chose not to become guardians in order to raise their children. These women sometimes worked regular jobs with Moroi or humans some of them lived together in communities. These communities had a bad re rigation. I dont agnize how much of it was true, but rumors said Moroi men visited all the time for sex, and that some dhampir women let them drink blood while doing it. tide rip whores.Regardless, almost all guardians were men, which meant there were a lot more Moroi than guardians. Most dhampir guys accepted that they wouldnt have kids. They knew it was their job to protect Moroi while their sisters and cousins had babies.Some dhampir women, like my mother, still felt it was their duty to become guardians even if it meant not raising their own kids. After Id been born, shed handed me over to be raised by Moroi. Moroi and dhampirs start school pretty young, and the Academy had essentially taken over as my parent by the time I was four.Between her example and my life at the Academy, I believed wholeheartedly that it was a dhampirs job to protect Moroi. It was part of our heritage, and it was the only way wed keep going. It was that simple.And that was what made what the Badicas guardian had done so shocking. Hed abandoned his Moroi and run off with another guardian, which meant shed abandoned her Moroi. They couldnt even have children together, and now two families were unprotected. What was the point? No one cared if teenage dhampirs dated or if adult dhampirs had flings. But a long-term relationship? Particularly one that m ultiform them running away? A complete waste. And a disgrace.After a little more theory on the Badicas, Lissa and I left Aaron. As we stepped outside, I heard a funny shifting sound and then something sliding. Too late, I realized what was happening, just as a pile of slush slid off the chapels roof and onto us. It was early October, and wed had early snow last night that had started melting almost immediately. As a result, the stuff that fell on us was very wet and very cold.Lissa took the brunt of it, but I still yelped as icy water landed on my hair and neck. A few others squealed nearby too, having caught the march on of the mini-avalanche.You okay? I asked her. Her coat was drenched, and her platinum hair clung to the sides of her face.Y-yeah, she said through chattering teeth.I pulled off my coat and handed it to her. It had a slick surface and had repelled most of the water. overhear yours off.But youll be Take this.She did, and as she slipped on my coat, I finally tuned into the laughter that always follows these situations. I avoided the eyes, instead focusing on holding Lissas wet jacket while she changed.Wish you hadnt been wearing a coat, Rose, said Ralf Sarcozy an unusually grand and plump Moroi. I hated him. That shirt would have looked grievous wet.That shirts so ugly it should be burned. Did you get that from a homeless person?I glanced up as Mia walked over and looped her arm through Aarons. Her light-haired curls were arranged perfectly, and she had on an awesome pair of black heels that would have looked much better on me. At least they made her look taller, Id give her that. Aaron had been a few steps behind us but had miraculously avoided being nailed by the slush. Seeing how smug she looked, I decided thered been no miracles involved.I ponder you want to offer to burn it, huh? I asked, refusing to let her know how much that insult bugged me. I knew perfectly well my fashion sense had slipped over the last two years. Oh, wait fire isnt your element, is it? You work with water. What a coincidence that a bunch just fell on us.Mia looked as if shed been insulted, but the shine in her eyes showed that she was enjoying this way too much to be an innocent bystander. Whats that supposed to mean? aught to me. But Ms. Kirova will probably have something to say when she finds out you used magic against another student.That wasnt an attack, she scoffed. And it wasnt me. It was an act of God.A few others laughed, much to her delight. In my imagination, I responded with, So is this, and then slammed her into the side of the church. In real life, Lissa simply nudged me and said, Lets go.She and I walked off toward our respective dorms, leaving behind laughter and jokes about our wet states and how Lissa wouldnt know anything about specialization. Inside, I seethed. I had to do something about Mia, I realized. In addition to the general surliness of Mias bitchiness, I didnt want Lissa to have to deal with any more stress than she had to. Wed been okay this first week, and I wanted to keep it that way.You know, I said, Im thinking more and more that you stealing Aaron back is a well(p) thing. Itll teach Bitch Doll a lesson. I bet itd be easy, too. Hes still crazy about you.I dont want to teach anyone a lesson, said Lissa. And Im not crazy about him.Come on, she picks fights and duologue about us behind our backs. She accused me of getting jeans from the Salvation Army yesterday. Your jeans are from the Salvation Army.Well, yeah, I snorted, but she has no right making fun of them when shes wearing stuff from Target.Hey, theres nothing wrong with Target. I like Target.So do I. Thats not the point. Shes trying to pass her stuff off like its freaking Stella McCartney.And thats a crime?I affected a solemn face. Absolutely. Youve gotta take revenge.I told you, Im not interested in revenge. Lissa cut me a sidelong look. And you shouldnt be either.I smiled as innocently as I could, and when we split ways , I felt relieved again that she couldnt read my thoughts.So whens the big catfight going to happen?stonemason was waiting for me outside our dorm after Id parted ways with Lissa. He looked lazy and cute, leaning against the fence in with crossed arms as he watched me.Im sure I dont know what you mean.He unfolded himself and walked with me into the building, handing me his coat, since Id let Lissa go off with my dry one. I saw you guys sparring outside the chapel. Have you no respect for the house of God?I snorted. Youve got about as much respect for it as I do, you heathen. You didnt even go. Besides, as you said, we were outside.And you still didnt answer the question.I just grinned and slipped on his coat.We stood in the common area of our dorm, a well-supervised lallygag and discipline area where male and female students could mingle, along with Moroi guests. Being Sunday, it was pretty crowded with those cramming for last-minute assignments collect tomorrow. Spying a small, empty tabularize, I grabbed masons arm and pulled him toward it.Arent you supposed to go honest to your room?I hunkered down in my seat, glancing around warily. There are so many people here today, itll take them a while to notice me. God, Im so sick of being locked away. And its only been a week.Im sick of it too. We missed you last night. A bunch of us went and shot pool in the rec room. Eddie was on fire.I groaned. Dont tell me that. I dont want to hear about your glamorous social life.All right. He propped his elbow up on the table and rested his chin in his hand. Then tell me about Mia. Youre just going to turn around and punch her one day, arent you? I think I remember you doing that at least ten times with people that pissed you off.Im a new, reformed Rose, I said, doing my best impression of demure. Which wasnt very good. He emitted a choking sort of laugh. Besides, if I do that, Ill have broken my probation with Kirova. Gotta walk the straight and narrow.In other words, find some way to get back at Mia that you wont get in trouble for.I felt a smile tug at the corners of my lips. You know what I like about you, Mase? You think just like I do.Frightening concept, he replied drily. So tell me what you think of this I might know something about her, but I probably shouldnt tell you?I leaned forward. Oh, you already tipped me off. Youve got to tell me now.Itd be wrong, he teased. How do I know youd use this knowledge for good instead of evil?I batted my eyelashes. Can you resist this face?He took a moment to study me. No. I cant, actually. Okay, here you go Mia isnt royal.I slouched back in my chair. No kidding. I already knew that. Ive known whos royal since I was two.Yeah, but theres more than just that. Her parents work for one of the Drozdov lords. I waved my hand impatiently. A lot of Moroi worked out in the human world, but Moroi society had plenty of jobs for its own kind too. Someone had to fill them. Cleaning stuff. Practically servants. Her dad cuts grass, and her moms a maid.I actually had a well-grounded respect for anyone who pulled a full days work, regardless of the job. People everywhere had to do crappy stuff to make a living. But, much like with Target, it became another matter altogether when someone was trying to pass herself off as something else. And in the week that Id been here, Id picked up on how desperately Mia wanted to fit in with the school elite.No one knows, I said thoughtfully.And she doesnt want them to. You know how the royals are. He paused. Well, except for Lissa, of course. Theyd give Mia a hard time over it.How do you know all this?My uncles a guardian for the Drozdovs.And youve just been seated on this secret, huh?Until you broke me. So which path will you choose good or evil?I think Ill give her a grace Miss Hathaway, you know you arent supposed to be here.One of the dorm matrons stood over us, disapproval all over her face.I hadnt been joking when I said Mason thought like me. He coul d bullshit as well as I could. We have a gathering project to do for our humanities class. How are we supposed to do it if Rose is in isolation?The matron contract her eyes. You dont look like youre doing work.I slid over the priests book and opened it at random. Id placed it on the table when we sat down. Were, um, working on this.She still looked suspicious. One hour. Ill give you one more hour down here, and Id better actually see you working.Yes, maam, said Mason straight-faced. Absolutely.She wandered off, still eyeing us. My hero, I declared.He pointed at the book. What is this?Something the priest gave me. I had a question about the service.He stared at me, astonished.Oh, stop it and look interested. I plane the index. Im trying to find some woman named Anna.Mason slid his chair over so that he was session right beside me. All right. Lets ?study. I found a page number, and it took me to the section on St. Vladimir, not surprisingly. We read through the chapter, scanning f or Annas name. When we found it, the author didnt have much to say about her. He did allow in an excerpt written by some guy who had apparently lived at the same time as St. VladimirAnd with Vladimir always is Anna, the daughter of Fyodor. Their love is as chaste and pure as that of brother and sister, and many times has she defended him from Strigoi who would seek to destroy him and his holiness. Likewise, it is she who comforts him when the spirit becomes too much to bear, and Satans darkness tries to smother him and weaken his own health and body. This too she defends against, for they have been bound together ever since he saved her life as a child. It is a sign of Gods love that He has sent the blessed Vladimir a guardian much(prenominal) as her, one who is shadow-kissed and always knows what is in his heart and mind.There you go, Mason said. She was his guardian.It doesnt say what ?shadow-kissed means.Probably doesnt mean anything.Something in me didnt believe that. I read i t again, trying to make sense of the old-fashioned language. Mason watched me curiously, looking at like he very much wanted to help.Maybe they were hooking up, he suggested.I laughed. He was a saint.So? Saints probably like sex too. That ?brother and sister stuff is probably a cover. He pointed to one of the lines. See? They were ?bound together. He winked. Its code.Bound. It was a weird word choice, but that didnt necessarily mean Anna and Vladimir were rive each others clothes off.I dont think so. Theyre just close. Guys and girls can just be friends. I said it pointedly, and he gave me a dry look.Yeah? Were friends, and I dont know whats in your ?heart and mind. Mason put on a fake philosophers look. Of course, some might argue that one can never know whats in the heart of a woman Oh, shut up, I groaned, punching him in the arm.For they are strange and sable creatures, he continued in his scholarly voice, and a man must be a mind reader if he ever wishes to make them happy. I started giggling uncontrollably and knew Id probably get in trouble again. Well, try to read my mind and stop being such a I stopped laughing and looked back down at the book.Bound together and always knows what is in his heart and mind.They had a bond, I realized. I would have bet everything I owned which wasnt much on it. The revelation was astonishing. There were a lot of vague stories and myths about how guardians and Moroi ?used to have bonds. But this was the first Id ever heard of anyone specific that it had happened to.Mason had noticed my startled reaction. You okay? You look kind of weird.I shrugged it off. Yeah. Fine.
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