Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Alcohol Abuse Essay Example for Free

inebriant Abuse Essay Alcohol is a drink containing ethanol It is a lipid that is highly water soluble A psychoactive drug that has a depressant effect. dispersal Ethanol is distri moreovered equally in all body tissue according to water content. Metabolism A healthy body can metabolize 15ml of alcohol/hour Alcohol is metabolized by the liver but 10% is excreted unchanged in the breath, sweat and the urineMetabolism of alcoholAlcoholAldehyde Dehydrogenase Acetaldehyde (Toxic) Alcohol Dehydrogenase H2 and Acetic Acid (Nontoxic)Alcohol Abuse A psychiatric diagnosis describing the recurring use of alcohol-dependent beverages despite its negative consequences. Also termed as Alcoholism Pattern of drinking that results in harm to unitys health, interpersonal relationships, or ability to work.Cause of Alcohol Abuse There is no know cause for alcohol abuse. The reason for alcohol abuse is complex. A. Psychodynamic Theory Attitudes and behaviors of the client Problems St ress, anxiety, depression Peer pressure. B. biological Theory G.enetic predisposition of the clientMANIFESTATIONS OF alcohol abuse Continue to drink, even when health, work, or family are existence harmed Are not able to control drinking being unable to stop or avoid alcohol intake Miss work or school, or have a decrease in performance because of drinking Need to use alcohol on most days to get with the day.Manifestations of alcohol abuse Do not care about or ignore how they dress or whether they are clean Try to hide alcohol use Shake in the morning or after periods when they have not a drink Poor judgment Irritable.Complications of alcohol abuse advance liver function test Alcoholic Hallucinosis Withdrawal symptoms such as x Tremors x sweating x Palpitations x Agitation Delirium tremens Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome Peripheral Neuritis Gastric ulcersTreatment for ALCOHOL ABUSE self-restraint from alcohol Medication treatment such as Long-acting Benzodiazepams tx of alcohol withdrawal Chlorhexidine (Librium) Diazepam (Valium) lorazepam (Ativan) Disulfiram (Antabuse) Naltrexone (ReVia) Subject to a rehabilitation facility.Nursing Management Teach the patient the effects of chemical substance abuse on the body. In communicating with the patient be in a matter-of-fact and venerating manner. Maintain a positive, supportive environment. Build a therapeutic rapport with the patient by providing imprint from his or her symptoms and meeting physiologic and safety needs. Present reality without challenging or escalating the patients anxiety and purpose disturbances. Remain objective to the patient and the family. Closely monitor your patient during your shift to identify subtle changes and inject appropriately. Assess mental status and sleep pattern, and provide emotional support to reduce anxiety.

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